Monday, March 15, 2010

Back to Shool

I know. Don't look at me like that. I meant it. I personally took the time out of my "oh-so-busy" day to spell the title of this post wrong. Want to know why? I tell you why...

As I was writing in my journal not too long ago, I started talking about going back to school. It wasn't until days later when I went to put another entry in that I realized in the last entry I had misspelled school as "shool"... it gets better: Not oncedid I make this mistake. Not twice. But three times. Instead of smiling in irony and giggling at this, I felt the pit of my stomach drop.
Yes people, it's true. I am slowly but surely losing my way with academics and english, and have been doing so for quite some time apparently. I am now dreading facing my once beloved Honors English teachers in shame upon my return to Taos High.

But that is mainly what this post is about: Shool... oops, School (pardon my cheesiness).

Today I started my second week back and I'm most delighted to find that it seems to be getting just a little bit better. But I think this may be due to the fact that I am reading an excellent book that keeps me entertained in class (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo... if anyone was curious). Although this is what I end up doing with my time during most classes, I do participate here and there. Mostly in my Language class, because the teacher is nice and it's the only one that remotely interests me. There is actually one other, Culture. Yes, I have a class about culture. But again, it's quite interesting. Especially seeing as I'm now studying culture in a place where it is very different than my own.

For your very special convenience I have a nice typed schedule of my classes sitting right here that I worked hard on (jk... they gave it to me. Damn, I cannot crack a real joke today):

Lunes (Monday)-
Cultura (culture)
Sistema (sytems)
Lengua (Language)
Derecho (Law)

Martes (Tuesday)-
Ingles (english)
Quimica (Chemistry)
Tecnologia (Technology)
Matematica (Math)
E.F.M (Educacion Fisica- Physical Education)

Miercoles (Wednesday)-
Economia (economy)
EDI (uhh... not too sure really, read on)

Jueves (Thursday)-

Viernes (Friday)-

----That's it folks. My everyday week.
I start at 7:35am and end at 12:45pm (wednesdays), 1:15pm (Mon, Tue, Thur) and 1pm (Fridays).
Now for the classes, I'd really rather not spend too much time talking about these but I will give you some idea.
Culture and Lengua I already talked about.

Sistema translates to Systems and I'm pretty sure the full title is Sistema de..something... I forgot, I'm sorry. But I've come to realize that it's like Financing. Quite boring I might add.

Derecho means Law. Again, this one I don't have too much to say about. Maybe later on in the year I will know more about all these classes (or not), but for now you will have to deal with the summarization. So... Law... yeah, pretty self explanatory.

Ingles=English. I have 3 words to describe this class: Easiest. Class. Ever. And yeah, I think you know why. The worst part is, the teacher actually makes me do the activities. What I end up doing, if someone isn't asking me for the answer, is the entire worksheet while the teacher is talking about number one still and then read my book. When she asks me for an answer, all I have to do is look at the paper and give it to her. Sometimes I read something to the class in english and I feel like God, the way they look at me. They love it. And that makes me love doing it. Or other times I will try and help someone, but I've realized I'm really quite a bad teacher so that usually fails.

Quimica... Chemistry. Well. Hm. What to write. Well I guess I can say that I had this same teacher last year, and although I didn't like her much then I'm warming up to her now. And as a matter of fact, this might be one of the only classes that I try or pay attention in... because some of the material I actually know.

Economia=Economy. Man I'm really bad at the whole school deal. Again, I'm sorry I dont have anything to say. It's boring. And I can get away with doing nothing or pretending I don't understand, so that's what I do.

EDI=.... ?....
I believe this class is one that switches according to the week. Sometimes EDI is quimica, economia or something else. It really confuses me. And I don't even remember what it stands for.

Matematica. Math.
This class is alright. Because the teacher is on the stricter side, I do pay attention. And if I happen to understand what is going on, I'll attempt the work. But otherwise, I take notes and try to figure out what the Mathematic words in Spanish might happen to translate to in English, seeing as my dictionary is not a Calculator or Encyclopedia... it doesn't help much with this.

--And there you have it. It's not very informative, but maybe after some weeks I might talk about it more. But probably not. Because this subject of talking isn't nearly as exciting as other things. And also because the more I look at my calender, and the more I fill empty spaces, the more I realize I will not be in school that much this year. :)

Oh, and I've gotten a few requests (mostly last year, teehee) to see my school uniform. Mind you, these are not very good quality photos or very flattering of myself, for that apologize, but it shows you the main idea.
The only thing different is that I will end up wearing dark grey tights later in the year due to the cold.
Until then...

p.s. Estimated time or arrival for Malia Reeves: T-minus about 5 days. :D :D :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Krista. It was interesting to read about your daily schedule. I wonder if the Law course is sort of like our high school government courses? It might be interesting for you to keep notes on striking differences between U.S. and Argentina laws. That's assuming you know what it is like back home. By the way, the uniform isn't that bad. At least it isn't plaid. Love, Aunt Chris