Thursday, December 10, 2009

Vamos al Norte!

Hey everyone... here's a little update of what I'll be up to the next couple weeks...
Today, actually, I will be hopping on a plane to fly to Buenos Aires. On Saturday, I'm going to be taking the ACT's. After this "lovely" and extremely long exam, I'm going to be heading up to a different province, Corrientes. 
I have some friends from Taos who are actually from Corrientes and only moved to Taos about three years ago. For those of you in Taos, Raquel and her family. Seeing as their father still lives here in Argentina, they come down for every Christmas and Summer (U.S. seasons). I get to stay with them for about ten days!
I'm so excited to get to see them and travel to a different part of Argentina, experience something new! I could do without the detour in Buenos Aires, :| , but hey! Its all worth it in the end I suppose!
Hasta luego

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the ACT! You are smarter than you realize so I know you'll do fine, but do take it seriously. A good score can be very very helpful for your future. The better your score, the more options you will have. Be sure you are well rested beforehand. Buena suerte!
Love, Aunt Chris