Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Andes Mountains? I think so!

Hey everyone!
So as you know this past weekend I was in San Martin de los Andes for my Rotary Orientation meeting. It was amazing! But lemme rewind a bit...

The weekend before I left for San Martin, me and my friends decided to go clubbing. We went to one of the nicest clubs in the city called Ele. Let me just explain it in a few words: Lights, Dancing and Music. Just like any typical club! But because my "host uncle" knows the owner of the club, we got to sit in the VIP section for a short concert put on by a well-known Argentine reggae singer. Because it was reggae, he sang many Bob Marley songs and it was great for me to be able to sing along with everybody else! After he left, we went to the dance floor and danced pretty much non stop until we left. When did we leave you ask? Well... here's the time schedule: we arrived at Ele at around 2 30 a.m. We got home from Ele around 6 30 a.m. So you can pretty much guess what I did for the rest of the day. But it was a lot of fun to just be able to dance and have fun without trying to figure out what people are saying all the time! This weekend is Franzika's birthday... so we will most likely be doing it all again. :)

Now, San Martin de los Andes. Google it. No I'm serious, go to Google Images and look it up. And that's pretty much where I got to spend a week of my life. I'm not going to describe every detail of the weekend because that would take a lifetime, but I will try the best I can. 
On leaving Comodoro at 1 a.m., we had a 14 hour bus ride to a town called Cipoletti. Because our bus to San Martin didn't leave until the next day, we stayed with host families. That night, my temporary host sister(who went to France last year) took me out with many of the other students who would be going to San Martin the next day. We walked around the town and got something to eat. The next day, it was nice to already know some of the students who got on the bus with me. On the bus altogether, there was about 18 students from different countries going to San Martin. When we got there(about 6 or 7 hours later) there were about 4 more students waiting for us. So throughout the whole weekend, there was around 22 of us. The countries were: United States (5 people), Belgium (2 ppl), France (3 ppl), Germany (a lot), Canada (1) and Estonia (1). 
That night, we had a Rotary meeting and then went to our hotel to sleep. Although I'm pretty sure no one actually went to sleep until at least 2 30 in the morning. The next day, Friday, we had lots of rotary stuff to do... not too exciting. Except that night we had a Tango lesson, it was very fun. 
On Saturday though, we had a busy day. We took a boat tour on the huge lake they have. The lake winds around through the big mountains with places you can get off the boat and get to eat, or take walks or do a little shopping at the small booths set up by the local people. We arrived at one of these spots, after a very cold but very beautiful boat ride, and took a short walk until we met with some of the rotarians at a camping spot. There was a river right there and grass to play futbol on. We all hung around until it was time to eat the burgers that they had grilled there. And of course, Alfajors for dessert. When we arrived back to the mainland, it was already 4 o clock. We then had time to just wonder around town and do as we pleased. I love the town! It reminds me just of a small Colorado ski town. Somewhat later, we then had a Salsa lesson. And that was even more fun than the Tango lesson. We then went out to dinner and back to the hotel. The next day, we had to catch our bus at 11 a.m. Upon arriving in Cipoletti, we had about six hours until the bus to Comodoro. So everybody went to one of the Rotarians houses and we hung out and had something to eat. 
I got home yesterday in the afternoon. 
Next week I get to go to Buenos Aires!! I'm so excited. 
Sorry this blog was so much shorter than my other ones, but I am feeling lazy today... :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great weekend! Sounds like the Rotarians are very well organized there and are doing a good job of showing you their country. Is it warming up yet? Here in the nothern hemisphere things are definitely cooling off. Yes, even in Texas! I'm wearing a sweater today. Keep up the blogs--we all enjoy them.
Love,Aunt Chris