Monday, August 24, 2009


The kitty! His name is Gizmo aka "little boy zia" ;)

The Pink House... and a magazine ad. Typical Argentina.

Puente de la Mujer. Or the Bridge of the Woman.

The view from the terrace of my host siblings apartment building.
Some of Palermo.

Me and my host brother Jul. In the busy streets of San Telmo. In my hand I hold a pack of       GarrapiƱadas!

Again in San Telmo: a random piano and instruments line the street playing beautiful tango.


Taoseno's on the loose said...

Great fotos! D

Anonymous said...

I'm curious about your online coursework. Isn't it hard to sit down and do it? Will you also be taking classes en espanol? Sorry, I don't know how to do the tilda over the letter n. -aunt Chris

Krista said...

Yes. It is hard to sit down and do it, but I have to graduate sometime right? My school teaches in spanish so all those classes will be, but the credits don't transfer over so I can fail. :)