Friday, August 21, 2009

¡Hola Buenos Aires!

Hey everyone!! I made it!

I am currently sitting in my host sibling's (Coty, Fran and Julian) apartment in Palermo, Buenos Aires. My plane arrived sometime around 8:20 a.m. Argentina time. For those of you 
back in New Mexico, that's 5:20 a.m. your time.

I wish there was more I could say about my flight but there's really not. And that's a good thing! That meant that everything went pretty much as planned. Although I will say, the flight from Dallas Ft. Worth to Buenos Aires was extremely long... 10 hours and 20 minutes to be exact. 
From those ten hours I had about and 1 1/2 hour total of sleep. This was made easy and it seems like I should have slept more because in my five seat row, the two seats next to me were completely open. It was most definitely NOT a full flight, and very lovely because of that. 

Needless to say, with only that much sleep it was very confusing stepping off the airplane and seeing my breath. I knew it was winter here, but I didn't fully comprehend it until then!
All paperwork having to do with customs and such was simple. I only went through one "gate" of handing in a paper and not even being asked any questions. After having to go to Houston so they would let me in this country, I was a bit frustrated with them. I had expected a harder entrance, but simple is fine by me also. 

After my very quick baggage claim pickup, I walked out into the waiting area to find my host family. I was expecting this to be the easy part, but it was rather hard. I didn't think there would be so many people. I looked for what I knew they looked like from pictures, but to no avail. About 20 minutes of dragging my two gigantic bags around looking for them, I here my name behind me and it was Coty and Fran. 

We all squeezed into small cab and took off through the city. Because of the lack of language from both ends, it made for extremely small conversation. But that was alright with me, because I felt like my head was about to fall of my neck. It was all I could do to not fall asleep and watch the city go by. At first it was impossible to feel sleepy, due to the fact that the driving around here somewhat reminds me of Kathmandu, Nepal... hmm...

From what I saw of the city, it reminds me a little bit of New York. Except everything is in Spanish. 

Upon arriving at the apartment, it was like a haven. We stuffed ourselves along with my suitcases into the itsy bitsy lift and shot upward. On the floor, there were only two or three doors and the hallway was about the width of two bread boxes. The apartment I'm in is pretty nice. Small, but quaint. 

Looking to my right, I see their kitten. He is so cute. But I'm embarrassed to say I don't remember his name... something like Dismo or something. :) He looks exactly like my kitty at home, and makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. 

I have already talked to my family and taken a two hour nap, which I so involuntarily woke up from. I think that we are going to get something to eat for lunch soon... I will try and add pictures in the next couple days! 
¡Mucho Amor de Argentina!


Anonymous said...

You went through DFW!?? Why didn't you let George and me know. We could have come to hug you goodbye. I'm glad your trip was uneventful. It's amazing to think that Argentina sticks out so far to the East that the time zone is one hour ahead of the East Coast of the U.S. Enjoy the Southern skies. Are they clear?
Love,Aunt Chris

Taoseno's on the loose said...

I'm so glad the trip went well. Now the adventure begins! I miss you! Dad .... ....

Malia said...

yay! i'm so glad everything was bueno. call me any time seesta. i love you!

Unknown said...

You´ll have a wonderful time in Buenos Aires! I´m sure about that!
I spent a great time last month in Buenos Aires. I rented a furnished apartment in Palermo, Buenos Aires, I suggest that service called ForRent Argentina: Buenos Aires apartments For Rent